Sunday, April 24, 2022

what did I learn from being 30

 Just a couple of things:

-I think I was hanging on to some relationships and friendships that weren't helpful and letting those go and focusing on more positive relationships was really helpful

-I learned I don't like to run in the morning and I don't really like road races. I like evening runs and I want to do shorter track races. I guess it doesn't seem significant but for me it felt like there was a lot of pressure to do those things to be a part of a running community and it meant a lot to be honest with myself about not liking those things and seeking things to do that worked for me

-I got on Strava and started running with a GPS watch which I think has helped tremendously and I've already written too much about that

-I learned I need to run more miles. I thought quality was the key and it certainly is but if the overall mileage isn't there then the fast times just aren't going to happen for me

-I learned a lot about coaching climbing. yesterday I sat down and wrote out some expectations and guidelines for the next season of climbing club and teams and I think that will be really helpful

-I learned that I want to live on my own and live within walking distance of the climbing gym. It's more expensive in terms of rent but I think it will be really helpful. I'm also only a mile away from a track that's almost always open! I'm really excited

-I learned how to lead multi-day backpacking trips in the back country! That was really exciting.

-I don't think I learned this exactly when I was 30 but it was definitely reinforced that becoming a valued member of a community is really important to me and benefits me in all sorts of ways and makes me feel like a good person. I have a lot to offer to people in areas that I'm excited about and that's where I want to put my time and energy.

-It was reinforced many times that I look much younger than my age

-I learned that a lot of people are a lot older than me and they're still running really fast. I think I have been working really hard for a few years now and I haven't seen the race results that I would've liked but that doesn't mean it's too late. I still have years to get things wrong and figure things out and also I don't think I'm getting things wrong now, it's just gonna take some time.

-people really remember and hang on to when someone was nice to them. that really matters

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