Tuesday, April 19, 2022

A Story for Camp. Maybe I've Already Told This: Internet Famous

 A lot of people don't believe me when I tell them I'm famous. They say, "yeah, right!" and roll their eyes or "no way!" and wave their hand in a downward motion like so. And the people who want to believe me are often confused why I might be famous.

"Is it the book you helped make?" No. It's not the book I helped make. That hasn't gotten much outside camp. 

"Is it the comics you make at the climbing gym?" No. It's not those. Those are just in the climbing gym.

"Is it the art you've given away on craigslist?" No. I do that anonymously.

"Is it the youtube videos you make?" No. Those barely get any views.

What I am actually famous for is something I did right before covid hit that I did out of boredom and wasn't even trying to show to anyone. It's making GIFs! Those little animated pictures that you can send on your phone or through the computer. I made my own animated pixel gifs of like a little bear jumping up and down or a possum wizard shooting rainbows, or a christmas skeleton crying. I made 68 little GIFs over the span of a couple months and as of this April I checked the stats on them and they have been viewed 78 million times. 78 million times. It's true. You can look it up. I don't make any money from it. I've yet to be recognized. One time a guy reached out to me and said he wanted to start a business that would license gifs and companies would pay to use them but then it seemed like a scam so I never followed up. But yes, my dumb little pixel cartoons have technically been viewed millions of times all over the world. So that's kinda neat. I am technically famous in one of the most obscure ways you could possibly be famous.

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