Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Wekiwa Springs

 You know over Spring Break this year we took a road trip to Florida and we stayed at a lot of beautiful camp sites and we saw a lot of beautiful things that the sunshine state has to offer. But, by far, the most beautiful of beautiful things that we saw had to be Wekiwa Springs. For those of you who don't know, Wekiwa Springs is a natural spring that feeds the Wekiwa River and people have been going to enjoy the natural pool area since the 1970s. Anyway, imagine our pool but more spread out and the water is much warmer. 

So we're there and we're having a great time and we're swimming and floating and being in the water and eventually, inevitably, in a move that surprised absolutely no one, Fran found some mud he wanted to play in. And everyone applauded and was very happy that Fran found mud to play in because when Fran smiles, the whole world smiles back. And so Fran is playing in this mud by the pool and he's getting it nice and muddy and his best good friend Anders wants to help make the mud a little muddier. So Anders looks around for something to transport water from the pool to the mud. He spies, with his little eye, an empty 7-UP bottle right by where we're all gathered. Anders is of course familiar with the principles of Leave No Trace and he sees some trash that he can pick up and throw away later but first use to help Fran with the mud. 

Anders picks up the bottle and immediately. immediately, a large man with a big beard and a prominent neck tattoo sees this and calls out to Anders,

"Whoa there buster! Slow down. Don't you dare take a sippy sip of my dwinky drink."

Anders immediately takes control of the situation, "Excuse me, sir. A thousand pardons. I had no idea that this beverage container was yours. I saw it was empty and thought it some stray refuse that I might dispose of properly to maintain the beauty of historic Wekiwa Springs State Park. Again, I apologize sincerely."

But the man was still angry, "Oh jeepers! Oh golly gee! You people from Florida think you can just pick on us little guys who aren't from here. You think you can just push around a little guy like me. Well guess what? I'm big and tough and I never cry ever. And guess what? It's my birthday and you can't pick on me on my birthday. And guess what? My dad is way bigger than you and he can beat you up!"

It was at this point that the man with the neck tattoo began to cry and Anders politely put down his bottle and we all walked away because it was clear that the man was overwhelmed and probably needed a nap and some juice. 

And that's how Anders made someone cry on our spring break trip.

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