Saturday, June 13, 2020

Plan to Win the Charlottesville 10 Miler: Training for 2020

June- race fast 800s and miles

6/14-6/20- run a sub 2:10 800. I can do this solo now.

6/21-6/27- run 8x400 at 67 pace w/ 90s rest

6/28-7/4- run a fast 1200. try to run 2:12 and then close hard

continue to work on absolute speed, mile specific speed, and short fast tempoes. also quality long runs. 
try to run a fast mile and break 4:30.


Increase mileage. Maybe a final mile attempt early in August. Do some longer tempoes. Mile and 1k repeats at 5 minute pace.


pepsi 10k if it happens. Quality Interval Workouts, Fartleks, and Tempos. Working on Increasing the Volume of Work. Men's 4 Miler?


Cross Country Race? Big Volume. Let's get the mileage up and long run up. 


Revenge on the Richmond 8k (if it happens). Time to sharpen up and run some fast 800, 1k, and mile repeats. 


Some off time. Build up mileage. 

Goals for Rest of 2020

break 59 for 400m

-break 2:10 for 800m

-break 4:30 in the mile/1600m

-run multiple interval sessions running faster than 5 minute mile pace

-break 20:30 for the Men's 4 miler (if it happens)

-break 33:34 in the Pepsi 10k


My strength is still good. I think I need to get back a solid baseline of speed and then build up from there. I want to have the strength and speed to have longer, more aggressive workouts in the Fall. That starts with making 5 minute pace easier by being able to run a much faster mile than 5 minutes.

more thoughts to come

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