Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Super Tired

Next Week. Probably Tuesday. I'd like to do a sub-5 mile. then 8x400 in 68-69 w/ 90s standing rest. then another sub-5 mile. That would be really good.

I'd also like to do a quality long run this Saturday. 

But right now I'm just really tired. My legs ached on my run today. I'm pretty sure I was dehydrated. But no injuries so that's good.

Tomorrow I'll be at camp Albemarle all day so at some point, maybe around dinner, I'm going to try to work in some sprints and strength drills: squats, lunges, leaps, bridges all that good stuff.

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Saturday, June 13, 2020

Plan to Win the Charlottesville 10 Miler: Training for 2020

June- race fast 800s and miles

6/14-6/20- run a sub 2:10 800. I can do this solo now.

6/21-6/27- run 8x400 at 67 pace w/ 90s rest

6/28-7/4- run a fast 1200. try to run 2:12 and then close hard

continue to work on absolute speed, mile specific speed, and short fast tempoes. also quality long runs. 
try to run a fast mile and break 4:30.


Increase mileage. Maybe a final mile attempt early in August. Do some longer tempoes. Mile and 1k repeats at 5 minute pace.


pepsi 10k if it happens. Quality Interval Workouts, Fartleks, and Tempos. Working on Increasing the Volume of Work. Men's 4 Miler?


Cross Country Race? Big Volume. Let's get the mileage up and long run up. 


Revenge on the Richmond 8k (if it happens). Time to sharpen up and run some fast 800, 1k, and mile repeats. 


Some off time. Build up mileage. 

Goals for Rest of 2020

break 59 for 400m

-break 2:10 for 800m

-break 4:30 in the mile/1600m

-run multiple interval sessions running faster than 5 minute mile pace

-break 20:30 for the Men's 4 miler (if it happens)

-break 33:34 in the Pepsi 10k


My strength is still good. I think I need to get back a solid baseline of speed and then build up from there. I want to have the strength and speed to have longer, more aggressive workouts in the Fall. That starts with making 5 minute pace easier by being able to run a much faster mile than 5 minutes.

more thoughts to come

Friday, June 12, 2020

Thursday, June 11, 2020

Realization I Had

A guy reached out to me in Harrisonburg about running a fast mile this weekend and I had kind of anticipated doing one but then I hadn't heard anything for a while until now. So I guess I'm doing that.

But what I realized is that I'm kind of scared. I'm scared I won't do well. And I woke up this morning and before I even knew this was going to happen I decided that I was going to take today off. Just because I've been doing a ton and felt absolutely exhausted and I haven't been sleeping all that well. 

The realization wasn't really that I'm scared. The realization was that it's easier for me to run every day and work kind of hard than to rest up and really put myself in a situation to try to be my best. I'm training a lot in my comfort zone and appearing to do a lot and try really hard but I'm hesitant to put myself in a position where I really lay it out there. And I think if I take today off, I'm really taking that extra step to committing to this race because then I'll know I was fresh for it. And that's scary. 

But I remember that one reason I started running, I distinctly remember saying this aloud as I was walking up to the track one day in high school, I said, "I want to keep doing this to see how good I can get."

That's the whole point. And naturally you plateau and the improvement slows down and it becomes necessary to train more between races but I think I've also fallen into a complacency and am hiding behind training as much as I am using it to improve. 

So, I think I've done all the work I need to do to run really well. And logic tells me that I can crush this race. I'm gonna put myself in a position to do that. I'm gonna go for it. And if I break 4:30 that would be incredible. And if I don't, it would still be a great time for early in the summer and the fastest I've run since 2016 or so. So yeah. I'm ready. I'm not gonna hide.

Monday, June 8, 2020

I wanna do a documentary style film

of camp this year. Kind of like a skate video. But without the skating. And only weirdness. I got some good footage today. It's an interesting time to be alive. Isn't it always.

What else? I think I'll do a workout tomorrow.

sub 4:50 mile.

6x300 around 48.

Yeah yeah yeah! I think I can rip a good one.

Reflecting Before the Start of the Summer

Yesterday I was nervous.  This morning I'm feeling better. 

my phone battery is low. 

I thought being out on my porch would be a quiet place to reflect but it's actually really noisy with distance machine noise and birds. 

I watched a male and female cardinal fight for about 2 minutes in the dirt of my backyard. It looked like the female just stood her ground until the male gave up. 

Friday, June 5, 2020

Camp Went Well

We ended up doing a fake news broadcast. It was fun.

I feel really tired but in a good way. 

I got my new running watch today! It's a CASIO. It's just like my old watch but slightly different. RIP old watch. I don't know how I lost you but you were a good watch.

Thursday, June 4, 2020

I've been tasked with coming up with a 45 activity tomorrow for a sample day at camp

I propose we make a movie! There's a long and storied tradition of making movies at my camp and last year we didn't make hardly any not at all. So, we are remedying that by starting these off with a movie on the very first day. That's right. I said it. Let's go. Get some. Ungh.

I will give them options because people like having the illusion of choice.

1) we make a courtroom drama similar to the Judge Philip shows that were made at afterschool

2) a music video. just come up with some spots and choreography and do whatever whatever

3) we have to get ready for camp! We'll have some counselors be play-by-play announcers and they'll show campers doing different things to get the camp ready.

Actually I like the 3rd one the best. I want that one to happen and only that one.

Finally, shout out to my Mom and Dad for helping with some final move in tasks today. They are tremendous and excellent and superb.

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

feeling I love

sitting outside after a run and it's still warm and drinking cold water. I love it. it affirms the soul.

my new project is going through all my old art and gluing it into two old phonebooks.