Saturday, February 1, 2020

work reflections

I can get sappy if I want. This is my blog. It's for me. I can do whatever I want.

Anyway, having said that, I was thinking about how it's really great that at afterschool and at art class, I get interactions with the students that show me, at least to them in that moment, that I'm doing a good job.

I think I tend to ignore and downplay positive feedback and I'm thinking I should work on slowing down to appreciate and reflect on those moments.

What I tend to fixate on are moments like yesterday when a mother was picking up her kids and came to me in the gym and reported that her child had told her that he and his friends had been going to the bathroom in the woods during outside time. It kind of caught me off guard and I don't think I did the best job switching gears and reassuring her in the moment that the situation had been managed and things of this nature would not be going on. I knew about it and I work really hard to make sure the kids are supervised enough to not let something like that happen. I think what happened was that it was a new area for the kids and it coincided with a time when we were unexpectedly down a teacher so I was really strained for supervision. Now, I should have adjusted and not given the kids as much freedom in that moment.

I also think what the mother was told was probably an exaggeration from what was actually going on. Overall it's just a really weird situation. And she was really understanding but I think I'm going to follow up and just assure her that the kids are being supervised in a safe environment.

well, that wasn't really sappy it all. it was more about writing this thing down that I'm trying not to fixate on all weekend.

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