Saturday, November 2, 2019

N2ndmber Ove

I bounced back from being sick with a lot of momentum. I was playing around on my iPad and I downloaded an app for making pixel art and then I realized you could animate with it so I've been making lots of little animations on it that I plan to post to instagram. So that's exciting.

It's really good to enjoy being alive after 2-3 days of not enjoying being alive very much. That's great. A lot of it must have to do with sinus pressure.

How I experience such euphoria after getting over being sick?

The key is to refuse all medication and anything that could alleviate your symptoms. You must experience the suffering to the fullest. Build a stack of pillows in the corner of your bed and prop yourself up on them like some sort of lazy scarecrow man. Shove toilet ball up your nose and breathe out of your mouth and have circular thoughts about your hopes and worries. Feel sorry for yourself and talk to no one. Wear your sick-time beanie. The beanie that confirms sick time is in session. Lament the loss of breathing out of your nostrils. The time is ripe and heavy with discomfort and malaise. This is the layer of darkness that you submerge into it. Yum yum yum. Appetite is suppressed and the senses are dulled. Ponder past versions of your sick self. Are you stronger in the face of illness now? Weaker? Remember the time that you had a fever and ran a track workout and through up the mozzarella sticks you had for lunch on the side of the track. Then you'd go home and be miserable in your bed then eat dinner while crying and doing AP History homework.

Hahaha, high school was such a miserable time. Oh man. If I'd truly known how ridiculous it was I would have been so much more upset.

...could that be true of right now as well?

Nah. Probs no.

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