Sunday, November 10, 2019

I need to get started on my work for my art class

I need to get started on my work for my art class. I also need to get groceries and do my laundry and it's starting to get late and it's already dark. Oh well. I was at kind of a low this weekend. I think because I was thinking about the work that I should be doing right now. But also I had a lot of fun last night playing with some acrylic and alcohol inks that I bought.

I want to write something here first though.

I've been trying to get better at rock climbing and so I really need to work on my grip strength. I put a tennis ball in my car and I squeeze it as I drive around. I think it's helped a lot. And lately tasks have been coming up in life that have required gripping things and I've noticed that I approach them with a little extra enthusiasm because I think my hands are stronger than they used to be. I know, right. Can you believe it? How could one man's life be so exciting. But it won't stop there. My grip will keep getting stronger. Stronger and stronger. They'll call me Grip Man and I will travel the globe in a cowboy hat and cowboy vest and cowboy shoes and all cowboy. Back in time I will go to the Wild West where grip strength was essential and the most profitable skill to possess. Jar Opening Contest. Hand Shaking Contest. Rock Climbing. I will be the #1 Cowboy and make my fortune in past money before returning to the future present and seeing how rich I will become with accumulated interest. It is a foolproof plan based on the good habits that I have been growing within myself. One need only look to the proper use of time to find a respectable gentleman such as myself.

yes, that is what I have to say about grip strength. They say an old dog can't learn new tricks. That is because as we age it is more difficult to learn new things.

Yeah. Hey. Wait. What a dumb phrase.

Can't teach an old dog new tricks. Can't do something ever if it becomes harder than it used to be.

Dumb. Grip Strength. Car Tennis Ball.