Friday, May 3, 2019

who is my afterschool character?

what's the character I play at my job?

He is kinda like one of those Boppo Clowns. Like, I make myself an easy target for embarrassment or ridicule when it's appropriate. But at the same time I bounce back. The kids can "defeat" me but nothing really sticks. 

I try to laugh really easily and loudly and often. I'm quick to give out praise and recognition and appreciation. If students are interested in something I will be interested in it and try to add to the experience if I can. 

When I correct I do it calmly to try to avoid the pushback of "oh no,  i'm in trouble let me talk my way out of this and avoid all responsibility." 

When I started, a lot of my behavior corrections were about following rules and respecting my authority. Now I focus a lot more on how the kid's treat each other and what they can do to avoid and diffuse conflict. so less of " you need to behave or you'll feel my wrath" and way more "listen to what others are saying so you can have friends and/or not be excluded."

I think I'm competent at most things that kids like to do. Like sports and activities and things. 

I wear a lot of tie dye and colorful clothes. I wear sandals constantly. my hair is usually in a headband or tied up and once a week I wear a running cap. I think I look like a college kid. I mean, I pretty much dress the same as when I was an actual college kid.

Afterschool Me is all around a bigger personality than regular me. 

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