Monday, May 20, 2019


my friend maddie visited afterschool today! it was great. we took some cups of liquid that we'd put in the freezer over the weekend and watched them melt on the sidewalk. very scientific.

as I was walking out I sat on a bench by the front door and checked my phone and the principal of the school walked out of his office and talked to me for a little bit. He asked if I was in school still and I told him I'd graduated and was licensed to teach secondary english, he smiled when I said english. I told him I thought I wanted to do that until I started working with k-5 and realized how much better it was for me. He said I should look into teaching middle school.

I said I really enjoy afterschool and being able to move around and let the kids be kids and then he just kinda looked at me and I said, "but yeah, there is no money in it." and he laughed and agreed and I said, well I live with roommates and eat a lot of pasta and beans and rice and he laughed again and told me I have a good way with kids. so that was cool.

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