Monday, May 13, 2019

I already knew this about myself but I gu

ess it's still true that I cry pretty easily. Certain things. Like really specific things.

Like one time my 8th grade history teacher played the song Waltzing Matilda on his guitar in class and I started to tear up.

Or last summer a counselor was telling me about how one of his campers told him that at home he has anger management issues but that the camper was working really hard to not do that at camp so he could make friends.

Or this past weekend the instructor told us this story about how this woman was rock climbing and hit her head and was concussed and also dangling off the side of a cliff and this guy climbed down to comfort her and later she said that's all she remembered about the experience.

it got to me. I don't think it's a bad thing. Just really beautiful stuff gets to you sometimes when you are also low blood sugar.

1 comment:

Cassiar Memekio said...

I'm the same way actually