Friday, May 31, 2019

free write

I think I'm spending too much time on instagram. Like a diet of cake and cookies. It don't feel good. So I'm gonna take a break from it.

Yesterday this little tiny 2nd grade girl with a squeaky voice was over by the swings and she got into an argument about something with a 4th grade boy and they're arguing and she looks at him and narrows her eyes and in a low, controlled, but still squeaky voice says,

"I will end you."

And the boy can't win at this point. He totally takes the bait and launches into this tirade about how he's going to throw the basketball at her head and give her a concussion and that's when I step in and calmly say "Yes, and if you do all that then you'll be out of the program and I would be very sad."

And he's still sputtering and trying to threaten and I say "She's a tiny 2nd grade girl, you're in 4th grade. Why are you threatening her?"

But man, wow. She really did destroy him in that moment. 

And then later I was talking to her and I said, "Who taught you how to be so funny?"

And she goes, "My mom. And my dad. My mom plus my dad equals me!"

too freakin cute

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