Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Anthony Visited!

Long time reader and occasionally perhaps the only reader of this blog, Anthony visited after school yesterday!

He walked into a territorial dispute in the woods. The 5th grade nation was island building to block off a main shipping route used by 3rd and 4th graders. The 5th graders appealed to international courts, me, and for their diligence they were awarded rights to the passage and the 3rd 4th graders were given an alternate route that provided for equal travel time. 

Grades 3/4 refused to abide by international law and a standoff was ensuing as Anthony approached. Bad actors ended up being banished to the other side of the playground for the day.

A neutral party approached Andy and said "It's the woods, it doesn't belong to any of them anyway."

To which Andy responded coldly "yeah, why don't you go tell them that?"


He later approached Andy and asked for the 10th time if he would help him dig for worms.

Andy asked, "Were the others able to accept communism?"

Prompting another kid about 20 feet away who hadnt been involved in any of this to yell "BETTER DEAD THAN RED!"

And that was Anthony's introduction to after school.