Thursday, February 28, 2019

Gender thing

Today I was helping a girl do something on her computer at afterschool and instead of telling her what to type I asked if it was okay if I typed it in. So I'm typing in this thing and the computer is facing her and i'm looking at the keyboard sideways and hunting and pecking with one finger and it's taking a while and i'm struggling a bit so I say to myself "this is a weird angle to type."

And she looked up and silently turned the computer to face me.

And I was like "oh. Thank you so much. You didn't have to do that. I really appreciate it."

And I don't know if most boys would have done that, turned the computer. Kids are great but they aren't always thoughtful in those ways so this kinda stuck out to me.

I guess it also surprised me because I know for a long time I wouldn't have made that connection like she did. I think I would've just sat there and silently thought, "yeah, pretty awkard angle man. Tell me about it."

So, I don't know. Is this a gender thing? Shout out to that thoughtful little girl.

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