Thursday, February 28, 2019

Running Update

Running is going well. I haven't written about it as much anymore. I've started a few times but it hasn't seemed that interesting.

Yesterday I did a workout in a neighborhood near camp that only has a slight up and down hill along about a kilometer stretch. So I ran up and down the stretch 12 times. Or 12x 1k. It went well.

After the Colonial Half Marathon I scaled back some of my goals for the 10 miler in March. Maybe breaking 53 isn't as feasible this year. But I do think there's still lots of room to improve. Part of that is doing more workouts like the 12x1k where I'm running faster than race pace for an extended period of time. I haven't been doing very much of that kind of training at all. So that gives me hope that I could see some significant improvement in a month. Normally I'm doing a lot of those kinds of workouts throughout the year but I've held off on them this time around. We'll see how it plays out!

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