Thursday, August 16, 2018

Rejected Internal Organs pt 2

The Speft

We all know the gallbladder is designed to hold bile produced by the liver. It's shaped like a plum and is basically nothing but a huge liability.

The speft was in heated competition with the gallbladder to see what would go beneath the liver. Clearly the gallbladder had an inside track and worked some connections to be selected because the speft wouls have been far superior.

The human speft would have stored bones and seeds that we otherwise have to spit out or eat around because we lack the proper organ for digesting them. The speft boasted an even more powerful acid than the stomach and had a grinding mechanism like those things that eat cars in junkyards.

Unfortunately for the speft, this also all came at a very high energy cost and the brain, being the greedy organ that it is, insisted that it could just figure out what was easy to eat or not.

1 comment:

Cassiar Memekio said...

Haha I love the idea of the gallbladder using its connections to get selected