Monday, August 20, 2018

Back to a beginning

I moved to Charlottesville in 2015 to take a job at an afterschool program at this school. I really enjoyed the program and the kids and the school but due to a supervisor who wasn't able to support me I had to leave in early 2017. Well, today was my first day back at the school in the same job. My supervisor seems infinitely better and I feel really optimistic about the year.

I think after school is a great fit for what I love and it really was a shame that I had to leave. I don't regret it because it lead to an opportunity where I learned a ton and changed and grew as a person but I feel like places like after school and summer camps are where I'm meant to be for now. Anyway, I'm super excited and you can expect to see some more Word of the Bird posts very soon because I'm definitely starting that up again. Go back to Spring and Fall of 2016 to find some of those. Yeah. I guess this is another thing that I'll be updating about in addition to running. I know the days are going to be crazy and we have a ton of kids and not a ton of staff and not as well-defined program and expectations as I would like but I love winning kids over and I love building culture so my goals for the year are to get the program closer to what I would like and hopefully establish myself as kind of a pillar of what the program is. I feel like more than anything the kids and the staff just need consistency from year to year. And structurally that's really hard to pull off but...I got nothing better to do for now.

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