Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Rejected Internal Organs pt 1

Little known fact: before the human body was put together, a global search was launched by our ancestors to see which organs would be selected for the naked ape.

Recent searches into records made on mud and branches and stuff have revealed some of the organs that did NOT make the cut.

Today, the BLERM.

This fleshy pink sac was intended to sit next to the stomach and store mucus under pressure. In the event of danger, the Blerm would activate and cause a projectile stream of vomit to facilitate escape. Unfortunately for the Blerm, the judges and audience felt it would potentially hinder eusocial behavior.

1 comment:

Cassiar Memekio said...

Hahaha this is a really good idea. I love "Unfortunately for the Blerm, the judges and audience felt it would potentially hinder eusocial behavior."