Friday, June 30, 2017

6.30 in the Annex. 8:38.

If you just google 'countdown 10 minutes', then Google will pull up a 10 minute countdown for you right on the search page. I didn't realize this until a few days ago. I wish Google would have had this when I was student teaching way back in 2015. Ah, how times have changed. I'm sitting in the staff Annex right now at camp. It's empty because everyone is down in the dining hall watching Moana but I've already seen that twice now at my other job and they aren't paying me here so, there you go. I'm seated the same way I was in the last post. On my back with my head at one end of a couch and my feet up on the back of the couch with my ankles crossed. I guess I always cross my ankles when I write which is something I didn't know about myself until I started doing this. The staff Annex smells faintly of leftovers and there's a humming coming from the flat screen TV in the corner. It's messy in here. On the couch are some pillows and a backpack and an unpacked dufflebag. The floor is covered in wrappers and lids and wires and cables and chargers. The walls are adorned with christmas lights and paper plates that bare the name of all the counselors working at camp this summer. I made the drawings on some of those paper plates. On the counter across the room from me is unwashed mugs and glasses and pitchers and plates. A clock is ticking. I placed an old coffee can on the edge of one of the other couches that says 'The What Hurts Can' where people can write down what is hurting on them at the moment and place it in the jar. There's strands of old duct tape hanging in the corner like cobwebs. Like the cabin I live in, the western wall of the staff annex is a full window. The ceiling then slopes up so that the eastern wall/ ceiling area is much higher than the western side. There are also windows way up at the top of the eastern wall. I'd like to live in a house like this. There's a lamp on the floor, like a paper lamp, like a coiling wire about 3 feet high wrapped in a loose translucent material forming a tube and you turn it on by tapping a button with your foot that lies on the floor next to the lamp. I remember this lamp because last year it was the lamp in the basement where I would meet up with Greta. I always thought it was really cool that you turned it off and on with your foot. I also remember when Crab explained to me junior year that you should flush a toilet with your foot. He didn't really purposefully explain it to me but he was frustrated that people weren't flushing and then explaining how simple it is to complete the steps required to flush a toilet and he mentioned that you need only kick the handle. I remember thinking that was really cool and proceeded to kick toilet handles after that. When appropriate. There's an old broom handle leaning up against the edge of the sliding door.

1 comment:

Funnie Paranoia said...

I looooooove Nujabes, and I'm gonna try this ten minute exercise some time soon :)