Thursday, June 29, 2017

#2 for 10

Ten more minutes of writing stuff down. I was planning on going to bed earlier but now I'm awake and I'm lying on the couch that Otis, my roommate's dog was lying on yesterday. Otis is actually lying here next to me looking pretty beat. My feet are up and crossed at the ankles on the back of the couch and my head is propped up on a pillow at the end of the couch closest to the wall of window. The computer is on my stomach region and shakes a bit when I breathe and type. One light is on in the tiny hall by the front door so it's mostly dark in here. My bedroom light is on as well and I can see into my room a bit. On the coffee table beside the couch is my roommate's computer and a mug and some papers related to camp I believe. My cold feels like it's subsiding and earlier I had what I felt like was a breath in that was completely free and normal and not sick-hindered. Today was a good day but I feel like I did have some points where I was lower energy. I'm thinking about how I have a really good relationship with a few kids and maybe I take those for granted and it feels kind of like cheating to just hang out with them instead of trying to engage all the campers. But fun is fun and fun is good. I'm wearing a hair-tie on my wrist that I found at the pool a few hours ago. I picked it up because earlier I was trying to put my hair up after performing as GreenMan in the camp talent show. In GreenMan's act he comes out with a mop and bucket, a plastic pitcher of water, and 7 plastic cups. The song All Star by Smash Mouth is playing but it's a modified version where only the first two lines of the song repeat but have been pitch corrected to fit the remainder of the song. Green Man comes to the front of the stage and tries to assemble the cups into a pyramid. He fails to separate the last two cups and the pyramid begins to collapse. He takes the pitcher of water and pours it into one of the cups before pouring the water directly on to the floor. He removes a Wet Floor sign from the bucket and begins to attempt to mop up the mess he has created. It does not go well. He brings the mop up onto the table and sends all the cups, pitcher and water crashing to the ground. The rest of the song is spent trying to mop up all the water unsuccessfully. Oh yeah, I should explain that GreenMan is covered in a bright green full-body morph suit. Afterwards I took the mask off and went to put my hair up and my hair tie broke so I when I found one at the pool I took it and that's why it's on my wrist now.

1 comment:

Corb said...

