Tuesday, June 27, 2017

A Little 10 Minute Exercise

To write down everything that is happening in this immediate moment of right now-ness. I'm sitting in the cabin and my butt feels like it's pressing really hard into this folding chair. My feet are up and crossed at the ankles in a more comfortable chair. Otis the Dog is resting on the couch in front of me and looking up at me as if to ask why I'm looking at him while knowing full well that I have no way of explaining that to him. The large window that makes up the back wall of the cabin is full of green just outside of the porch that I rarely go out to because, I just coughed twice, because I saw a lot of wasps and hornets making nests in the flimsy ragged lawn furniture. My hands are a little cold and I have an empty mug next to me. I'm looking at a drawing of a horse with a large arm protruding from its forehead. It's legs are long and bent at odd wiggly angles. In the corner of the paper are the words, "HOW DO I GO? HOW??" The horse is smiling and appears to be in some kind of improbable motion. There's an aloe plant that I rescued from my old house that had been living high up on a dark shelf because my roommate was worried about her cats eating it because its poison to them. It now sits on a glass table. The table is a disc of glass supported by what I've been told is drift wood. I'm looking around the room for more things to look at and comment upon. I have old nail polish stuck in the bottoms of my nails that I had painted last week but had to hastily remove to go into work this weekend. I coughed again. I had a mild cold over the weekend while I was at work and it is on its way out now. Above the wall of glass are 16 old vinyl album covers arranged in two straight rows. Right now Polka Favorites is askew as one of the pieces of tape used to affix it to the old, scarred, well-worn wall has lost its resolved. Outside I hear campers, probably swinging on the tire swing. I checked the google page that I had open as a countdown timer. I have three minutes left. My butt still feels really flat and like its starting to fall asleep. I got my hair cut yesterday by my roommate and I'm much happier with it now. I was considering buzzing it all off because that seemed like an easier solution to the problem of having too much hair but I'm glad I went with the slightly more complicated option of trimming it. There's a life lesson in there I think. The life lesson is that no matter what you do you'll probably still sit around and be like what if everything is different than it was. Maddie just walked in told me about her plans in a sing-song way because I think she's tired and pushing through her tiredness. End of time!


Crab said...

I loved this. It really put me there with you. If you do it again, take a few pictures of your immediate area so we can see what you were sawing. I wanna seent it too.

Andy Lawrence said...

Thanks! Yeah, I should do that. Really appreciate the encouragement!