Thursday, December 25, 2014

Ghosty Mans OR Crimblas Trees OR Ooze or Poos

Back by demand!

Erin's descriptions of pictures!

"Is this showing a progression or a procession? (pause) Are you going to tell me?"

"No response."

"Okay, a sparsely sparse room and a sparsely sparse Christmas tree in the corner. And there are two presents and towards the foreground is an open box with ghostly men...4 ghostly mans overlapping each other coming closely to you. And, there's either a trail or just one ghost man we see moving over time. On the floor is what looks like a trail of ectoplasm and then a pair shoes thrown asunder."

"Is that all?"

"Um...the window's weird looking?"

"You said that the trail could be ectoplasm. What are four other things it could be?"

"Blood...syrup...can I take syrup back? (No.)....some kind of strange goo substance."

"If this was a part of a story, what would the story be?"

"I don't know what the ghost is the ghost of. It could be the ghost of the person who opened the present. Or it could be a ghost that was inside the present and the person who opened it ran away---and left their shoes for some reason."

"What about the trail?"

"Is it poop? A trail of poop? Or if it's a procession then it's possibly a portal to another dimension."

"What could possible titles for this be?"

[see titles of post]

1 comment:

ChirmasCrab said...

Dude I love this. The crab is pleased *clacks claws appreciatively*

This is what the holidays are all about