Saturday, December 13, 2014

The Mother of Invention: Birth of a Holiday

So, my "cohort" in English Education had a Secret Santa gift-give-a-ma-jig. And, being a boy assigned to give a gift to a woman--I went to Goodwill and bought a gingerbread man wobble sundancer thing and a Halloween tote-bag to put it in. Now, on their own, those are pretty terrible gifts. And together they are confusing terrible gifts.

BUT! To justify my choices I wrote a poem the morning of the gift exchange that was presented with the gift. My take on Decemberween.

A New Hope

Has Santa gone mad?
It must be true.
Why else would he give
this mixed up present to you?

A Halloween bag
and a gingerbread wobble--
there's only one thought Santa could've had,
"Man, oh man! Christmas is in TROBBLE!"

But then he thought out an idea,
and he thought it out quick.
"What if I combine the two holidays?"
mused wily ol' Saint Nick.

"They're 55-ish days apart,
but that doesn't mean they can't be a team.
I'll take the best of both days
and call it DECEMBERWEEN!"

And all throughout the land the people made merry as they shook their 'spook-bells' and coated their Decemberween pines in velvety chocolate sauce. Lights were hung and Monster Mashes were sung. And the Rudolphs and the Zombie and the shepherds and the Frankensteins and the drummer boys and the Weremen and the Mouse Kings marveled at at the wonders Decemberween had brung...

I mean, brought.

Merry Everyone!

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