Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Ported Plarnt

Drew a thing today. I had my sister describe it as if she was on the radio and had to tell people what it was.

So, first you can read that and then see what it is.

"Alright, so I'll start at the top and work my way down. So, there's a head with what looks like a man's face but with long, shoulder-length hair and a flower above its right ear. Where the neck should silence)...I don't know how to describe it...*deep breath*...I don't know-....not sure how to describe it...It looks like it screws the head into whatever the head is floating above. An open ring. And below that ring are little tentacles all around it--ringed with tubules--and that's the start of another head and then...two rolls of fat where the tubules are. And on the rounded body/head are a pair of glass and a thick Tom Selleck mustache."

Good job, little sister.

When asked what country/state of origin the two heads belonged to:

top: Midwest in the 1930s. Looks weathered.

bottom: like a...Polish...grandfather. Or like Grandpa Lou from the Rugrats.

So here you go then.

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