Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Grey Pants

I was running in a snow storm today. And it was very unpleasant. Snow was getting in my eyes. It was an icy snow. And a woman was delivering mail in the snow. For about a mile or so as I was running she would get ahead of me and then stop at a mailbox and I would catch up to her and pass her and then she would pass me until she reached the next mailbox.

And we went on like this for a ways. In a snow storm. It wasn't all that interesting, really. Unless you are a kind of selfish person like I am. Then you can't help but wonder what she thought when she saw me.

Probably nothing. It's hard to impress people. You shouldn't try it. You should try to be impressed by others. Way more satisfying to be impressed.

I'm impressed with that mail lady. Driving around in her white CR-V. Delivering packages and letters in all kinds of weather. It was the middle of the day, too. That'd be a sweet job if you could sleep in for it. Any job would be a sweet job if you could sleep in. If you can sleep-in and have a job, I'm impressed by that.

I heard that Michael Bubble-y song today, "Haven't Met You Yet" and the chorus has a part where he goes, "I promise you kid, that I'll give so much more than I get--"

Is that really a good promise? To give so much more than you get? Does that mean the other person is getting so much more than they give? If giving is better than getting then aren't you denying the other person the better thing by taking more of the good thing. You're getting more giving.

Shouldn't it be, "I'll give just as much as I get?"

It lessens the other persons contribution by either claiming that they can't give as much or that the singer giving capabilities far surpass anything the other person could give.

This was a great post and I'm really excited about it. Off you go into the internet!

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