Friday, November 8, 2013


I was biking home from work a few nights ago and I looked to my right and saw a woman running barefoot from her car into the street.

Then I looked forward and saw a deer crouched up against the curb about twenty feet in front of me. I get off my bike and move over to the sidewalk and watch the woman run up to the deer and say, "Hey little guy. You're okay. It's okay."

The deer, hearing this assurance, gets up and begins charging directly at me, as I'm straddling my bike. I don't know how close it got because I scrunched my face up like a weenie and turned away, preparing for the hit. But, I guess the deer had enough sense to stop and turn around and run back across the street in front of the cars that the barefoot woman had stopped. It made it across safely and disappeared.

I go back to biking and I see a guy who had been standing in front of me bring his cellphone back up to his ear and say, "Oh, it ran away. I guess it's okay now."

Then I went back to doing when I had been doing before all of this happened...

singing "Tomorrow" from Annie but reducing every word to one syllable

da sun cm ut, tmrru. burt yr bttm dalr dt, tmmru, der be...sun.


What if I had been hit by that deer though? That would've made for a much better story.  And proper punishment for me butchering a song sung by a girl who has faith in the goodness of the world despite not having parents.

I went right back to singing it too.

duh sun kirm oot, tmroh. Brt yr bddm dalr durt, tmroh. Dur be...sun!

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