Thursday, March 28, 2013

Get done and get gone

How do I know I'm happy? How do I know I'm a good person?

I think trying to answer that question is like staring directly into the sun to see what it looks like. It's too much. Stop it!

So, what do we do when we want to look at the sun? We look at pictures of it.

What do I do? I look at pictures of myself smiling and helping puppies get adopted. Man, I am good at smiling and pushing puppies.

Boom! Logic'd it out the park. 


Or, you know, you should enjoy the things the sun provides and appreciate the sun through that. In the same way you should do things that make you happy and do things that make you feel like a good person.

It's all about doing stuff. Not staring at the sun.

Here, stare at this picture of whiteness and project your inner emotions on to it.

All I see is Goombas.

1 comment:

Cassiar Memekio said...

Hahaha- "man, I am good at smiling and pushing puppies"