Tuesday, March 26, 2013


One day when I'm running I'm gonna reach out my hand and give a high-five to the side-view mirror of an oncoming car. The trick is to not resist the car because you'll shatter your wrist. What you have to do is limply dangle your arm out and then throw yourself into the hit so you end up collapsed on the ground.

Then when they stop and get out to see if you're okay, you look up from the road, hold out your hand and say, "Down low?...too slow." Then shake your head as you drag yourself into the nearby bushes.

Let's shorten that into one sentence: I have fantasies about getting hit by cars.

1 comment:

Cassiar Memekio said...

Hahaha "down low...too slow"

The "let's shorten that into one sentence" thing is really good, it makes a good ending