Sunday, May 26, 2024

my door swells shut

 my door has started to do this thing where something about the heat and humidity causes the door to swell or the frame to shrink or something but basically I can't get out of my apartment with just one hand. I pull and pull and then I use both hands and I still can't get out. And then I have to throw my whole body into the door to try to break the seal and then it opens very easily.

AND THEN there was this time I found an earwig on my kitchen countertop so I put it in a plastic bowl and was going to take it outside but my door was sealed shut so I was furiously trying to open the door with one hand as it was sealed shut and with the other hand I was holding the bowl with the earwig in it and the earwig kept trying to crawl up the sides of the bowl and get to my hand so I had to keep readjusting it so it wouldn't get me and it almost broke me.

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