Friday, May 3, 2024

here's some things that I think would be cool if my generation started doing

 more pack formation. like the way previous generations centered around the idea of the nuclear family, I think it would be really cool if we focused more on wolf packs. packing up.

estimating wrong. I always thought it was really dumb and kind of insulting that every few years in school we had to learn how rounding and estimating works. Like "if you wanted to round up 256 to the nearest ten, what would it be?" That's stupid. Just tell the person 256. Or you could also say 250. It doesn't matter. I never liked it and I still don't. 

get really into sequins. just seems like a market we could really take over if we wanted to. "THESE ARE FOR US NOT FOR YOU!"

destroying things we don't like. we should just destroy things. like buildings or whatever. And I know that's a crime and bad but no one ever considers the violence and destruction that went into making all the terrible buildings that no one likes. Destroying forests and wildlife is a violence that's regulated and deemed permissible but it's still awful and destructive. Right? 

In every house there should be a puke calendar and whenever anyone pukes in the house you mark it on the calendar and it lives in the basement with the circuit breakers and whatever and when you move you don't bring it with you it just stays there.

in every town there should be a bad guy who is always causing trouble and if you want you can try to catch them and if you do they throw a parade for you and the bad guy has to stay home for one week until they can be a bad guy again

that's all I got for now. I think these ideas are really good and everyone within like 5 to 10 years of my age should start living by these rules and I think it will really...I think it would mean just as much as if you did anything else but, despite that, things must still exist anyway.

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