Thursday, July 14, 2022

thinking a lot about coincidences and the things you find and lose

 today is Paw Paw's birthday and I ended up coming home to Harrisonburg. A lot of things lined up in a really particular way to make this happen. I ended up with a skin infection around my eye that wasn't improving and I woke up today and it looked pretty gnarly. But it just so happens that yesterday night I met up with a guy I've started running and doing workouts with and it turns out he's an eye doctor and basically diagnosed it on the spot. He happens to be in Harrisonburg on Thursdays so he was able to slot me in for an appointment in the middle of his busy day and got me some ointment that's helping the eye. And on top of all this I've been on the river a lot this summer where people lose and find things all the time and I always say the river giveth and the river taketh away. AND I probably got the skin infection from, among other things, THE DIRTY RIVER WATER. 

And it just feels like so many things are connected and aligning and so much of it is out of my control but I think about how I was able to choose my attitude and, even more importantly, I made that connection with the eye doctor because we both love running. And so I think if you do what you can and you do the things that bring out the best in you then people will see that and want to help. 

It's no guarantee but I'd say it's the best bet.

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