Friday, September 3, 2021


 The fingernails on my right hand are getting pretty long. I should probably cut them after writing this. The left hand is okay though. But I should probably cut those nails too just so my hands aren't on different schedules. What a hassle that would be. 

Whenever I climb and my hands won't hold on to tiny holds anymore I say, "looks like my fingers are all out of grip juice." And today I was running in thin shoes and my calves started getting tight and I thought, "looks like my calves are all out of bounce juice." And in general I try to be a good person and be kind to people but sometimes my brain is all out of...thoughtful juice.

A thing I like about camp is I feel like people appreciate my presence. Maybe that's a really pretentious way of saying that. I'm not trying to say that I found it annoying when people don't appreciate my presence. Like, I totally get it. You do not have to buy what I'm selling. But, it is nice when people like having you around for being yourself. Or even getting to be a heightened version of yourself. That feels nice. 

Today I was running on a high school track during school hours and when I first got there there was a gym class on the track so I kinda hung out for a little and stretched and luckily they headed back inside really quick so I thought I could sneak on between periods and get in some quick 100s. I was starting the 4th 100 when the next class came out and normally the kids in this situation all yell and make fun of me and the adults ask me to leave because it's school hours but this time was different! I finished up the 100s and I went by the class who was walking laps and the teacher was like, "what races do you run?" And I said I was a distance runner. And he said he liked my sprints and the kids were like "can you flex your quads?" and they asked me if I was in high school and I said I was 30 and they were like "whoa". 

And I was like, "I thought you were going to kick me off the track." And the teacher was like, yeah, I'm supposed to but I'm in a good mood because it's Friday. 

That felt really good.

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