Wednesday, September 22, 2021

happy equinox

I think it's the equinox. Let me check. 

Nah. It's tomorrow :/

I prefer it being on the 21st. It's a better day.

Anyway, I had a good workout today. 20x400m. 

Last night I thought about what I want out of life and roughly in order is:

-to create

-to make connections/community 

-to improve/ get stronger

-to have new and interesting experiences

I think I do a pretty good job of that most days. Therefore, I am happy.

My roommate is anemic from all his running.  His ferritin levels are like crazy low and he started taking a supplement. My other friend who runs also has low iron. I probably have low iron. I looked at a lot of the things I eat and most things have like 6%-8% of daily iron per serving size. But that's for a 2000 calorie diet and I think requirements go up for high activity levels. Anyway, it's probably a safe bet that my iron levels are low and the high range is pretty high so I bought the same supplement as my roommate and I'll take it for a month or two and see if I notice any difference. I've also upped my protein intake and that has helped me feel less sore. The biggest thing is always hydration.

So yeah. Good workout. Hopefully I have low iron and then the supplement will help and then I'll start running super good. Either way running is going well!

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