Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Gotta Bunch of Extreme Tornado Warnings last night

 That was fun. Nothing happened though. A lot of lightning and thunder.

We're gonna have fun with training today and run an 800m time trial. The goal is to break 2:20. I'd like to run the first lap between 68 and 70 seconds and then see how hard I can close. Which will probably not be very hard. But that's okay for the first outing. 

One of my favorite shows of all time is the Eric Andre show and they started doing this thing around the 3rd season or maybe they've always done it but the host, Eric Andre, drastically changes his appearance between seasons. So like for one season he never went outside, never washed, never cut his hair or fingernails. He was this pale, smelly, dirty, gross person. 

And then for the next season he got a spray tan, shaved himself bald, gained a lot of weight, wore a bright white suit. A complete 180. I think that's pretty funny. 

I'm thinking I'll do something similar for camp next season. I'll have really short hair and stop shaving my legs but grow out my facial hair. It will be a totally masculine Andy. We'll see. My facial hair is...lacking.

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