Thursday, May 13, 2021

I learned something today!

 I learned, that the weird looking bulb thing I found outside my doorstep way back in the fall and have been caring for a in pot until recently onion.

Which, admittedly, was pretty obvious. But I don't know nothing. So I looked it up and found that onions like 6 hours of direct sunlight. So I moved the onion from the shady backyard to the sunny front yard and hopefully it will fair a bit better. I'm not expecting anything. It's a miracle to me that it's not completely dead by this point. 

I don't really want anything out of any of my plants. I just like watching them grow. That part is pretty neat. And if I do a good job and get something out of them, that's cool too.

Also my mom helped me plant 4 tomatoes and a cucumber and a squash plant yesterday! Very exciting. 

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