Friday, February 5, 2021

Running Training

 Running a 4 mile race tomorrow. I'm looking forward to it. I'm not super confident in my fitness and I've been having some trouble running hard in cold weather but I reminded myself this morning that the only way to get better at racing is to run races. I'm going to give it my all and be better for it. I also signed up for an 8k in a month because I need to hold myself accountable. 

Training for the Next Month

Lifting- Focus on deadlifts, squats, lunges on workout days. Wednesday and Saturday.

Track Speed- work on 200m-400m speed on non-workout days when legs are feeling sharp. focus on Quality with long rest. possible 600m, 1k, mile time hard efforts as well. go by feeling. 

    goals- 26 second 200m. sub 60 400. sub 2:50 1k. sub 4:45 1600.

Feb 7th-13th

Wednesday- 80-90 minutes moderate with hill sprints. (double for a big volume day?). big lift also.

Saturday- 8x1600 with 400m recovery. 5:32-5:26. lift after.

14th- 20th

Wednesday- Big Fartlek

Saturday- 12 miles at 6 min avg


Wednesday- probably repeat of 8x400, hard 1600, 4x600.

Saturday- moderate long run.

Feb 28th- March 6- Rest week before Race on the 7th 

Things I really want to focus on are running tough in workouts, increasing muscular power/strength, mixing in comfortably hard efforts.

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