Sunday, February 14, 2021

It's Been 11 months and a day since I had my last regular day of work

 If you imagined a spectrum with one end being "People Whose Lives Were Made Significantly Worse from covid" and the other being, "People Whose Lives Significantly Improved From covid (not the virus itself, but restrictions and lockdowns and stuff)" I think I fall somewhere on the improved side of the spectrum. There were some benefits of my life going in a totally different direction. 

I've already written about this several times but I couldn't think of anything to start with.

I did a really good 10 mile run today, averaging under 6 minutes per mile. It's been some time since I've done that on my own. I did two loops of a 5 mile course I use for tempos. I was happy because normally just doing the 5 miles feels like a significant workout so to be able to double that in pretty good but not ideal conditions felt really good.

I should eat and work on the book.

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