Monday, February 1, 2021

return to afterschool?

I'm unsure.


I really need to get out of the house more and have positive interactions.


I really like the afterschool kids

I think it's only 3 or 4 days a week


covid is gonna make everything weird and bad. 

I don't know how much longer i see myself working at afterschool. the appeal has always been that it's a role with more freedom but last year I had a decent amount of negative experiences that weren't headed in a positive direction and I think covid restrictions are really gonna limit what is possible. 

And I can work with covid restrictions. I can work within a framework, obviously. But it's all about who your working with and what they prioritize. 

The nice thing about afterschool is it always ends up being what it's gonna be.

I don't know. I'll probably go back. 

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