Sunday, February 28, 2021

my microwaveable chick peas curry

splattered in the microwave. 

But I cleaned it up with paper towels. 

It's spicy curry. A tasty treat for my tired self. 

I woke up at 5:30

To see a text I got at 2 saying the person I needed for my lifeguard certification course can't make it because they've been exposed to someone who tested positive for the vid. The class was at 8am.

I drove to the class in the rain to see if there was anything they could do or if I could just take the sections not requiring a rescue. Nothing they could do. So here I am back at home at 8:53. Oh well. 

Saturday, February 27, 2021

It's nice having the house to myself

 it's a lot quieter and I feel a lot less stressed.

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Sunday, February 21, 2021

Friday, February 19, 2021

doodle and thoughts on a workout tomorrow


 Oh my constables. If I don't catch these batty billings by the pound, it's gonna be a hot one in the greasy greasy. Saints alive. Put up my propaganda questions on a string. If you thought it wasn't twice as much, guess a friend! Chains chains chains chains chains. You go down to the county office and effigy as much as I have and you can better believe it they're gonna give you $500 to instigate a yellow light down by the pharmacy. The point I'm trying to make is, cooking rice in your pasta water doesn't summon beyblade demons any more than the placebo.

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

love this song

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

pretty good

my friend Jessica read some poems on Instagram live today. She also performs songs sometimes. They're really good. It just seemed like a really special moment for her to be reading poems to about 4 or 5 people that were written during some of these historic times that we're living through. it felt like something that will be truly unique to now. to this moment. And the future will only have descriptions of it to go by. And their own unique moments. Poetry is cool

Sunday, February 14, 2021

It's Been 11 months and a day since I had my last regular day of work

 If you imagined a spectrum with one end being "People Whose Lives Were Made Significantly Worse from covid" and the other being, "People Whose Lives Significantly Improved From covid (not the virus itself, but restrictions and lockdowns and stuff)" I think I fall somewhere on the improved side of the spectrum. There were some benefits of my life going in a totally different direction. 

I've already written about this several times but I couldn't think of anything to start with.

I did a really good 10 mile run today, averaging under 6 minutes per mile. It's been some time since I've done that on my own. I did two loops of a 5 mile course I use for tempos. I was happy because normally just doing the 5 miles feels like a significant workout so to be able to double that in pretty good but not ideal conditions felt really good.

I should eat and work on the book.

Friday, February 5, 2021

Running Training

 Running a 4 mile race tomorrow. I'm looking forward to it. I'm not super confident in my fitness and I've been having some trouble running hard in cold weather but I reminded myself this morning that the only way to get better at racing is to run races. I'm going to give it my all and be better for it. I also signed up for an 8k in a month because I need to hold myself accountable. 

Training for the Next Month

Lifting- Focus on deadlifts, squats, lunges on workout days. Wednesday and Saturday.

Track Speed- work on 200m-400m speed on non-workout days when legs are feeling sharp. focus on Quality with long rest. possible 600m, 1k, mile time hard efforts as well. go by feeling. 

    goals- 26 second 200m. sub 60 400. sub 2:50 1k. sub 4:45 1600.

Feb 7th-13th

Wednesday- 80-90 minutes moderate with hill sprints. (double for a big volume day?). big lift also.

Saturday- 8x1600 with 400m recovery. 5:32-5:26. lift after.

14th- 20th

Wednesday- Big Fartlek

Saturday- 12 miles at 6 min avg


Wednesday- probably repeat of 8x400, hard 1600, 4x600.

Saturday- moderate long run.

Feb 28th- March 6- Rest week before Race on the 7th 

Things I really want to focus on are running tough in workouts, increasing muscular power/strength, mixing in comfortably hard efforts.

Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Monday, February 1, 2021

return to afterschool?

I'm unsure.


I really need to get out of the house more and have positive interactions.


I really like the afterschool kids

I think it's only 3 or 4 days a week


covid is gonna make everything weird and bad. 

I don't know how much longer i see myself working at afterschool. the appeal has always been that it's a role with more freedom but last year I had a decent amount of negative experiences that weren't headed in a positive direction and I think covid restrictions are really gonna limit what is possible. 

And I can work with covid restrictions. I can work within a framework, obviously. But it's all about who your working with and what they prioritize. 

The nice thing about afterschool is it always ends up being what it's gonna be.

I don't know. I'll probably go back.