Thursday, January 14, 2021

Today is January 14th

I'm at my parent's house. Joe Biden will be sworn into office on January 20, 2021. Walter Kronkrite once laughed at the notion of Joe Biden being president. 

The coronavirus is set to kill over 4000 people a day for the next 3 weeks. 92,000 deaths in three weeks. People in power still aren't taking it seriously. Regular people still aren't taking it seriously. This is the danger of people not accepting facts as facts. Is this over-tolerance?

Is this people who are in charge and have power not caring what happens? Some of them must benefit from misinformation and distrust. It makes it difficult for people to organize. To know what's happening to the world and why. I hate these clowns that knowingly spread lies and hatred and vitriol and confusion.

We can't treat a public health crisis, we can't help average folks, we can't have an election or a peaceful transfer of power without fear of violence and insurrection. It's insane. Cops are killing unarmed black people in broad daylight on their own front yard. It's absurd. This ridiculous delusion of white supremacy and unchecked greed.

Strange days. Hopefully this is something real. This is a real set of circumstances with real outcomes and we can't just go on allowing multiple versions of facts to coexist when one or more exist for the express purpose of keeping the powerful in power at the expense of everyone else and the planet. 

I'm tired of it. I'm tired of lies and people being okay with it. I do think most people get it and want the right things to happen. We don't want the planet to be destroyed. We want to be better for ourselves and our communities. 

I don't know. I hope we can do better.

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