Friday, January 1, 2021

Metaphor of the Day

Today was icy cold very cold very bad rain. BUT! I had a super nice jacket that I got for Christmas on and my t-shirt underneath was completely dry at the end apart from sweat. I actually started to feel better towards the end of the run than at the start because I was staying dry and keeping the body heat I was producing.

So, if you learn from tough conditions and you prepare for them, you can still thrive in them. Or something. Mainly I was just happy to have the jacket and how well it worked. I was still kinda miserable but I would've been a thousand times more miserable without it and would have spent the rest of the day recovering from the hypothermia but instead I went climbing after and had a great climb!

I was climbing a lot a lot before going to Harrisonburg and then I got a really good rest and now I feel much much stronger than I've ever felt. A good feeling.

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