Sunday, January 31, 2021

roommate update

he played his mandolin badly for 30 minutes while I was trying to afternoon nap and now that he's done he's stomping around the house and farting loudly 😭😭😭

Friday, January 29, 2021

send gme to the moon

It's been really fun to watch wallstreet bets on the attempted short squeeze on Gamestop the past few days.  I think what I like most about it is just being interested in something and learning new things. It's fun to read a lot of different articles and sources and see who is saying what and why. It's fun to learn a bunch of new terms that explain what is going on. 

One thing I've learned is there's a lot of bad writing floating around. Really unsound arguments get thrown out just for the sake of making noise. On the more "pop" trendy side of journalism you get a lot of lazy metaphors and narratives that don't really hold any water but fit the tone of what the publication and its audience expects.

Then in the more technical and "conservative" (not like crazy political conservative but like...reserved conservative) you get articles where a lot of official terms and numbers and figures are thrown out without much in depth explanation. For example, X means this and now I'm going to heave a ton of info that I know is over your head at you and I'm not going to explain it to make me seem smart and you seem dumb so you'll have to agree. It's pretty obvious when you see it. A lot of bluster that's only tangentially related to anything if you take the time to dig into it. It's just as bad as the lazy pop journalism. 

Anyway, it's fun to learn and be interested in something and talk about it with people.

Final take for now: it's not a David and Goliath story. It's not class warfare. The rich will be fine. But I'd like to think it's not just a bubble either. And a good outcome would be that these stupid, arrogant hedgefunds that put downward pressure on failing companies for a quick buck get punished. I think anyone who says short selling is "just the way it" or "helps the market run more efficiently" without acknowledging the overall scumminess of the system as it is, is propping up something that isn't sound to begin with. We know the financial system only benefits the few without adding value to society, I don't think that's a controversial opinion, and short selling is a symptom of that. I found one guy who I think kind of agrees and he sounds smart.

Monday, January 25, 2021


the weight

I think going back to afterschool would really improve my mood and energy. Today I signed another unpaid absence thing and got a text about returning to work if the county went to stage 4. Currently the county is in stage one and they say they are going to evaluate stages on a week to week basis. Who knows. 

It would be good to get back to that routine and have those interactions. 

Thursday, January 21, 2021

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

what brings me up to zero in the morning?

well, it's always cold and there's never any sun. 

so it's the three C's

C-funny tiktoks

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

You are my sunshine

is a beautiful song. I looked into its origins. 

Monday, January 18, 2021

Thursday, January 14, 2021

Today is January 14th

I'm at my parent's house. Joe Biden will be sworn into office on January 20, 2021. Walter Kronkrite once laughed at the notion of Joe Biden being president. 

The coronavirus is set to kill over 4000 people a day for the next 3 weeks. 92,000 deaths in three weeks. People in power still aren't taking it seriously. Regular people still aren't taking it seriously. This is the danger of people not accepting facts as facts. Is this over-tolerance?

Is this people who are in charge and have power not caring what happens? Some of them must benefit from misinformation and distrust. It makes it difficult for people to organize. To know what's happening to the world and why. I hate these clowns that knowingly spread lies and hatred and vitriol and confusion.

We can't treat a public health crisis, we can't help average folks, we can't have an election or a peaceful transfer of power without fear of violence and insurrection. It's insane. Cops are killing unarmed black people in broad daylight on their own front yard. It's absurd. This ridiculous delusion of white supremacy and unchecked greed.

Strange days. Hopefully this is something real. This is a real set of circumstances with real outcomes and we can't just go on allowing multiple versions of facts to coexist when one or more exist for the express purpose of keeping the powerful in power at the expense of everyone else and the planet. 

I'm tired of it. I'm tired of lies and people being okay with it. I do think most people get it and want the right things to happen. We don't want the planet to be destroyed. We want to be better for ourselves and our communities. 

I don't know. I hope we can do better.

The Other Night

I heard one random tone when I was in bed. It was like a single random beep from outside and it immediately made me think of a song. But an instrumental song I couldn't think of the words to. Anyway, after minimal YouTube searching, I was very quickly recommended Alice DJ's Better Off Alone.

Now, I've been having this problem for at least 15 years of being alive and having internet access. And this is the first time, searching has quickly lead me to the solution. But it was a little too good this time. I'm suspicious.

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

break down the fit for this morning

task: workout at keene
weather: 28-30F

colorado avalanche beanie: +3 cold resist, +1 hair control

ON running jacket: +2 cold resist, +1 style
costco long T: +2 cold resist
wal mart compression T: +1 cold resist, -1 mobility

MBT tights: +2 cold resist,  -1 mobility
target runderwear: +2 cold resist

teko socks: +1 cold resist,  thin
ON cloud flash: +2 speed,  +1 strength

casio watch: +1 insight

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

erin is lead pharm tech




Excited for a Workout Tomorrow

I took a week to focus on easy short running and also lifting to allow myself to recover a little bit. I felt way too tired about a week ago.

I have cycles of being really productive and full of energy and then something about my routine will change and it feels like it takes me a week or so to get back to feeling motivated and productive. Today was a productive motivated day.

Friday, January 8, 2021

Donald Trump has been permanently banned from Twitter

it happened while I was with Julie.

I've had periods where I've checked his Twitter a lot. This is all so bizarre. All of it. Surreal. 

I saw Julie today

we got smoothies. julie is my friend and I like talking to her.

also the owl is back! she (the owl) must have read how impressed I was with her and has returned to hoot more!

such an excellent time. 

wise words

Thursday, January 7, 2021

Remember when that owl was hooting outside my window?

It was full-on

hoot hoot hoo hoo hoo! hoo hoo!

You know? Like, exactly what you'd expect a murderous night bird to sound like.

truly awesome.

I think a train is going to go by soon.

0 days without cutting myself while whittling

It was only a small cut on my finger. It stopped bleeding really fast. I do need to always wear my gloves though. Making this post to see how long I can go without cutting myself again. 

Wednesday, January 6, 2021

trust rest

I'm working on trusting my body when it seems to want to rest. If I lie down or don't feel like doing something I have a lot of negative emotions attached to that. I've spent a lot of time fighting that feeling and pushing through but that is probably not healthy. But, just because I have a later start to my day than normal doesn't mean I'm going to waste my whole day. 

Tuesday, January 5, 2021

there's an owl

hooting outside my window right now!!!


my roommate

is the loudest person. he does everything loud. 

at the same time, I am a silent goblin who sits up in his tower complaining about the existence of any and all noise. 

so there's blame to go around.

a conversation I overheard while running

two middle aged women behind a hotel on a smoke break

1st woman: well, I have a smart watch.

2nd woman: I don't need a smart watch I need a small one.

1st woman: you need a small watch?

And then I ran out of earshot.

update on TMR

So I started listening to Trout Mask Replica at around 7pm last night and I didn't get out of bed until 10 AM this morning. I think the album dealt actual psychic damage to me.

thoughts while listening to trout mask replica

it's gradually sounding more melodic and good. is it actually becoming that or am I just getting used to it?

at an equal rate it's giving me a headache and I wish only for silence

it reminds me of early Beck and some parts of Wilco. the end of one of their songs in YHT

I just finished Moonlight in Vermont and have an hour more of album left

Sunday, January 3, 2021


a cute girl liked me on hinge but I think it might be the cute girl I always see at the climbing gym but I've only ever seen cute gym girl with a mask on but this hinge girl has no mask pics so I can't tell if they're the same person.

what do I do?

my shin is bleeding

from climbing and I have no memory of it happening.

also I fell weird and really hurt my b-hole. sorry for the lewdness but it needed to be said. this is 2021 now. this is where we are with the blog.

I can't tell

if my eye is twitching from staring at screens too much or from all of the wood dust I've put in the carpet the past three days

Saturday, January 2, 2021

beautiful sunset today

Caught it right at the end of my run. It was gorgeous lift. Pink and gold. Then I was in a deep caloric deficit because I only ate cake before my run. But it's okay! It all worked out and I'm eating kale now. 

Friday, January 1, 2021

Metaphor of the Day

Today was icy cold very cold very bad rain. BUT! I had a super nice jacket that I got for Christmas on and my t-shirt underneath was completely dry at the end apart from sweat. I actually started to feel better towards the end of the run than at the start because I was staying dry and keeping the body heat I was producing.

So, if you learn from tough conditions and you prepare for them, you can still thrive in them. Or something. Mainly I was just happy to have the jacket and how well it worked. I was still kinda miserable but I would've been a thousand times more miserable without it and would have spent the rest of the day recovering from the hypothermia but instead I went climbing after and had a great climb!

I was climbing a lot a lot before going to Harrisonburg and then I got a really good rest and now I feel much much stronger than I've ever felt. A good feeling.