Monday, September 2, 2019

talked with luke

last night I called my sister and had a good talk.

this evening I called Luke and had a good talk.

it's important that I reach out to people when I need to talk. It's important to reach out in general. I need to be good about that.

childhood memory:

when I was in like kindergarten or first grade or something there were two boys who lived across the street. One was a year older than me and one was like a few years younger than me, Timmy and Tony. And I remember there was this period where I would just take things from them. Like I would just steal. They'd have a toy or something and I wanted it so I would just grab it and run away. I'm sure I'm not remembering this right but I think I had taken something from them before and they were mad at me for it but I guess the next day we were hanging out and they had one of those small plastic kiddie swimming pools out in their yard and it had all these toys floating around in it. And the younger kid, Timmy, was like, "okay, now don't steal any of these." And I saw a pink plastic dinosaur floating around and thought, oh man. I want that dinosaur. I should grab it and run. So I did. I just reached in, grabbed it, and ran across the street and inside while Timmy yelled at me. Probably crying. I was being a truly awful person.

Anyway, the way it ended was that as I was getting ready for bed I told my mom, "hey, I took this from Timmy and Tony's house" and showed her the dinosaur. Understandably, she got really upset and was like "you can't STEAL things. go give that back right now."

So I walked outside as it was getting dark, sobbing and yelling. Timmy, Tony, and their dad were standing in the window of the front of their house and I was in the street, crying and yelling, "I'M SORRY! I NEED TO GIVE THIS BACK! YOU CAN HAVE THIS BACK! I'M SORRY I STOLE IT!"

All I can remember was just looking at them looking at me. I don't think they went outside or said anything. So after a while I kinda walked away. I want to say that I left it in their yard but part of me thinks I just held on to the dinosaur.

Anyway, that's the time when I almost learned that stealing was wrong. I guess not completely because I kept the dinosaur but felt bad.

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