Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Day Three

So, I did not get the site facilitator job. It wasn't too much of a surprise although still a disappointment.

I think the big takeaway was the support I got from my coworkers though. For the past two weeks I've felt kind of uneasy around everyone at work, like there was something that wasn't being said. It just seemed like people were avoiding subjects and not wanting to speak freely at times. But, I was really relieved when one co-teacher told me that I clearly had passion for what I do and that as long as I stay in the field I want to be in, the opportunities will arise. And he also shared how in his own experience, when he entered his 30s, a lot of things started to open up. So that was really good to hear. I think that's exactly what I needed to hear in that moment.

And then my other co-teacher shared that she had been in on the phone before work with the woman who had made the hiring decision and she was really sympathetic and most importantly, she spoke up on my behalf about my really negative experience with the substitute teacher who had been stepping on toes and being really uncooperative and rude this week. I was so grateful that she said that because I really didn't want to cause trouble. It was the kind of situation where I was working with someone who I didn't agree with and in the past I've had conflict with those kinds of people but I was telling myself to let it pass and fake it for two weeks and not rock the boat. And I knew that was going to be really hard for me so it was really incredible that she spoke up on my behalf and then that message got relayed back to the substitute and she was put in her place today.

So yeah, the people I work with really supported me when I needed them to. That was an incredibly good feeling and then I had a good day at work.

Now I need to get my head back into this art class because I was also thinking about leaving after six weeks. That ain't gonna happen anymore. It's good though. The kids are pretty bought in and enthusiastic so it's just gonna be about coming up with ideas and trying them out. That'll be good.

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