Monday, September 16, 2019

Day One

Today was the first day without the site facilitator at afterschool. I filled in and performed some of the duties. That part was okay. I thought I was going to find out if I got the job of facilitator today but then they pushed it back to tomorrow or wednesday. So it goes.

We had a substitute who was just filling in as a teacher to help me with my kids. The person had a lot of experience and clearly was well-versed in the rules but they kind of rubbed some of the boys the wrong way by coming down on the boys really hard and imposing rules that we've either never had or haven't been enforcing as much. The person just kind of went about it in a wrong way. Or, in a way that really stressed the kids out without giving much in return. They're just a sub though so it will pass.

If I get the job then for three weeks I'll be the site facilitator and teaching art. It's not that much extra work but I'm a little stressed by the idea of it. I'll just go one day at a time with it.

Tomorrow I'm getting up early to run a workout. Then driving straight to the school. Teaching. Then heading over to afterschool to set up. Then I can go home and relax. And hopefully by the end of the day I'll know if I got the job or not. We'll see.

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