Tuesday, August 27, 2019

first day teaching thoughts

they were really high energy. I mean, they were good kids. smart kids. motivated. but oh my gosh they did not stop talking and fidgeting. I wasn't really expecting that. But that's okay. The key will be giving them stuff to do. They seem like a motivated group, they just can't sit still for too long.

I was pretty soft on them today. But now I know their names. It'll get better. I'll lock it down. I don't know. I'm still not super excited about teaching. And having a crazy long day. I like afterschool and being outside and stuff. If I can be my laziest and most dirtbaggiest for a moment.

I do need the money though. And also, I don't think I should let my feelings dictate anything about the job for a while. Feelings are weird and they change.

I had a good moment in the last class with this kid who was quiet the whole time. The rest of the class was kinda crazy and loud for the most part and this kid had his head down and he was doodling the whole time. Towards the end I got a chance to talk to him and he made these really cool lunar modules and rockets and stuff. I talked to him about it a little and he was like, "These are the best drawings I've made in a few years." And I was like "no way! That's so cool. In this class just now?" And then he told them that he draws in class because it helps him listen


So that was a great moment. Shout out to that kid. He made my whole day.

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