Monday, August 19, 2019

check in

I went to the dentist this morning. Everything looks good. I need to go back Thursday morning and they're going to fix one of the fillings they did for free. I also need to schedule to get my truck inspected and call the renter's insurance people to set up my payment. I've been wanting to do that for a week but it's been hard to find a free moment between 9 and 5 lately on weekdays.

I went to the school where I'll be teaching art. I'm excited to have my own space and be able to make my own curriculum but also a little overwhelmed. Right now I need to focus on the first day and setting up the room. I can do that during the week and also on the weekend if I have to.

We had the open house at the elementary school tonight and I saw all my afterschool kids. It was great. I was really happy to see them. My memory might be rose-tinted but I think the culture is where I want it to be and I really want to focus on having fun and engaging with the kids. They really like the spontaneous stuff and I'm going to do my best to document and display it for them.

Tomorrow I'm going to get up and run. Eat. Go to the school to talk more about the art class and start setting up the space and organizing. Then I'm gonna go over to Meriwether and set up the space for the opening day. That shouldn't be too hard. We want to set up one corner as like a photo booth area and then I'll think of some other stuff to put up. I also need to find time to call the garage to get my inspection and the insurance people. That should be easy. If I'm really ambitious I'll mow the yard in the evening. That would be something. Yeah.

Then Wednesday is the first day of afterschool!

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