Monday, June 3, 2019


we've been playing a lot of kickball at afterschool and we have one girl who always plays and she holds her own in kicking and fielding. she's an awesome kid.

anyway, today a boy kicks a line drive straight to her on first base and she catches it. her team is going in to kick and another boy who is watching says "wow, I'm surprised she caught that."

And I decide to give him a hard time and tease him and say "watch your gender assumptions there, bud."

I didn't think anything else of it but like 5 minutes later he comes up to me and he's clearly thought about this issue and says, "well, I'm not racist because then why would I always say that my sister is better than me?"

This happens a lot actually. The kids at my school don't seem to distinguish racism and sexism. Or maybe they're afraid of saying sexism because the sex part.

I like that he was concerned about it though. Being called it. That was interesting.

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