Monday, October 8, 2018

Updates from the Kingdom of Birdonia

Long ago, a great land was discovered on a cafeteria door. That land was the Land of Birdonia. And people settled that land and they built many great and wonderful things on it.

Alex and Philip and Gus joined together and built things like an infinite money pit, a droid factory, a navy, barracks for soldiers, and arrows that fling people into space when they step on them. Their alliance was very powerful and everyone thought it was pretty cool.

Mark and Derek were also aligned and they built all kinds of awesome stuff. So much stuff that it cannot all be named. Nor fit on the map. But it is very awesome nonetheless.

McKinzy and Eden also joined forces and they built a garden and had a yachtmansion that was a yacht with a mansion on top of it.

Luke and Kai were a powerful duo who had jetpacks, underground cave systems, and a top secret base underwater that was only reachable by secret entry.

Jane lived in a cabin in the woods.

Zora built a house made of pillows.

Annabelle had a mansion as well.

Davis was only aligned with Gus and he possessed a cloning tank and a factory.

Jasper was aligned with himself and he had a castle and was building an air force.

Samantha also had a castle to herself and Meg made a diving board.

Finally, Cade had a floating mansion and Henry liked to drive around in his tank.

Life was good in the Land of Birdonia. But trouble was on the horizon, soon everything would be turned upside down and great threats would befall the land. Only through working together would the great people of this land be able to save their home and all the cool stuff they made.

1 comment:

Cassiar Memekio said...

I want these people to save their home