Thursday, October 11, 2018

October 11

I woke up in a ghostly panic. You know, the way ghosts sometimes appear to be panicking, such was my panic. The ghost sheets were cold, the sheets would be cold if they were somehow also a ghost. From within my ghost room, I could see the ghostly light of the dim grey ghost world outside. What a terrible day. I ghost shuddered and got up to walk across the ghostly floor, all covered in fog and trash amd and the corpses of insects that seep up through the tile like a stupid curse. I ran my hands all over the door to the bathroom to see if I could trip any secret wires that might activate some kind of contraption whereby a mechanical hand would emerge from the ceiling holding a silver platter and atop that a note in handwritten letters saying "you're good enough." But none of that happened. And as I entered the bathroom I turned on the light and the screaming fan howled and I looked at the mirror and saw, to my complete surprise, without any warning or previous indications, that I was a ghost.

1 comment:

Cassiar Memekio said...

This is really interesting, really unique. Haha this part is absolutely amazing: "I ran my hands all over the door to the bathroom to see if I could trip any secret wires that might activate some kind of contraption whereby a mechanical hand would emerge from the ceiling holding a silver platter and atop that a note in handwritten letters saying "you're good enough.""